Code Of Conduct


RESPECT other players and DMs.

NO discriminatory language or behavior will be tolerated including, but not limited to: Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Religion, Nationality and Disability.

NO harassment, threatening, bullying, actions or behaviors that make another player feel unsafe – physically, mentally or emotionally. This includes in or out-of-game. Issues with players should be addressed privately with a DM. They will be taken seriously and addressed ASAP.

NO cheating.

NO arguing with DMs. You may ask for clarification on a rule (5e) or make your case for rule-of-cool, but DM rulings are final. Debates will not be allowed to delay the game.


You will receive one warning after a violation. Further violations will result in immediate expulsion without refund. You will be banned from all future events with the Bearded Dragons Inn.


All DMs are held to the same standard described above and will be professional as possible.

  • Games will NOT include sexual violence or any sexual themes. 
  • There will be some descriptions of violence as part of the combat in many games. 
  • We will not depict torture, gratuitously violent descriptions or direct presentation of violent images.

If you have any personal sensitivities or concerns, please reach out to your DM privately. We want to ensure everyone feels safe and has a good time. 

You must acknowledge these terms as a condition of playing with Bearded Dragons Inn.